Karate Weapons

Karate Weapons

Karate Weapons (KW) Forms are traditionalforms derived in a karate discipline. No other hardstyle disclipline is allowed 

Karate Weapons forms must use traditional moves only. A traditional form / Kata must resemble a traditional work; only traditional japaness Katas and japaness traditionell Weapons for example an real “Oak bo” are allowed (JKA) and not a plastic Weapon.

A freestyle form is not acceptable (no machine-gun kicking etc.). A traditional GI white must be worn, no music is allowed, no time limit.Scoring, judges should be looking for:Basic techniques, Stances, Punches, and Kicks executed with balance, Blocks, Balance, Strength, and Focus.

For a full list of rules and regulations, please download the official WKU forms rule set: Forms Rules

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