Sport Arnis

Sport Arnis

Brought to you by the Eskrima, Kali, Arnis Coalition in, WKU is proud to announce the adoption of Sport Arnis, padded stick & knive fighting!

This form of contest is a safe form of competition which simulates bladed weapon competition. The philosophy of padded point sparring is “One Hit, One Kill”.

Points are awarded to the contestant who scores with a controlled strike to the targeted areas of the opponent’s body as one would use a sword. One (1) point is awarded when there is a “hit or strike” to the body areas from the head, upper shoulders, torso, arms, legs and down to the feet.

A match is won when one competitor accumulates most points before the two-minute round has expired. Upon the expiration of time and should the score be even, the match will continue without a time restriction until an opponent score a point or gets a violation to end the match (Sudden Death rule).

Updates to the below rules to come!

General Rules

  • Competitors are not permitted to bring their own stick. (Approved sticks will be provided)
  • There is no age limit for Amis Stick Fighting competitors.
  • Competitors are categorized by age and belt level, not by weight classes.
  • Mandatory Safety Equipment: helmet with face protector, gloves, and groin protector for men.
  • Competitor who is disarmed or drops his/her stick 2 times in one round automatically loses.
  • Competitors have 5 seconds to execute a disarm. A competitor who is disarmed loses one point automatically.
  • No punching, kicking, or takedowns permitted. No contact to the back.
  • The format is continuous. Referee stops and restarts the fight if one or both competitors fall on the ground, one or both weapons fall on the ground, or one competitor grabs the handle and takes away the opponent's weapon.
  • If there are less than 2 competitors in an age group, the judges reserve the right to combine age groups. Active Judges – The tournament director will provide a judging staff with experience, knowledge, and skill to ensure the highest level of fairness, safety, and action. All Players must wear the same type of sparring gears for safety, fairness, and consistency. Best to bring your own gears for hygienic reasons and for quick transition of matches.

Where to purchase equipment

You can purchase your own ARNIS Stick-Fighting Gears directly from at the tournament. A limited number of supplies will be available at the tournament for sale. Required Gears: 

  4. Chest/body protector. TKD chest protector can be warn. Alternatively, you can wear full Arnis/Kali/Escrima body armor.
  5. All helmets must have a front cage. You can also use fencing helmets. (You can buy fencing helmets on Amazon)
  6. Full body armor is optional.
  7. Hockey neck protector is optional.

Note: You can also purchase the following at your local sporting goods stores: a. Street Hockey or La Crosse Gloves/Helmet (look for good protection on thumb, forefinger, and pinky) b. Knee Pads (look for good protection for front and sides) c. Groin Cup (recommended for men, boys, and women) Optional for Girls/Women.

  • Duration of Bout: Each bout is 1 round; each round is 2 min.
  • Scoring is a point system;
    • Automatic winner when the bout reaches a 10-point spread
  • Warnings;
    • If the competitor disregards the orders and instructions of the referee and the judges,
    • Disrespecting the referee, judges, or the opponent.
    • Attacking with excessive force.
    • Using violent actions.
    • Using the techniques of kicking, punching, and takedowns.
    • If the competitor continues to attack his/her opponent after the opponent's weapon falls on the ground.
    • Using performance-enhancing drugs prior or during the bout.
    • The referee has the right to disqualify a competitor from the bout or competition if:
    • The competitor receives 2 or more warnings from the referee.
    • the competitor engages in unsportsmanlike conducts.
    • the competitor injures his/her opponent using prohibited techniques or attacks to the no contact area, depending on the seriousness of the injury.
  • The referee has the right to stop the contest if: There is a big gap in the skill level between the 2 competitors. The competitor with the skill advantage wins the bout. ▪
  • A competitor is injured because of a legal maneuver, depending on the seriousness of the injury. The opponent wins the bout.
  • Courtesy Rule: Salute to the judges first and then competitors salute to each other before the bout begins. After the bout finishes, salute to the judges again and then competitors salute to each other.

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If you are ready to join a diverse and inclusive space for martial arts and combat sports, contact us today!

The WKU is always excited to welcome new members of all skill levels and for all positions, ranging from competitors, to coaches, to referees. No matter your contribution, get involved and find your community here!

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